The Neighbor’s Oath

A black sketch on white. There are four windows into different apartments, a scene in each. Clockwise from top right: someone cooking, someone typing, someone watering plants, a parent holding a baby. A strand of ivy climbs between the windows.

About the Oath

Why an Oath?

Hard choices will come for you, if they haven't already. An oath is a way of preparing for those choices.

What do you swear* on?

  • Before taking the oath, decide for yourself what you believe to be above all Authority. You will be swearing on this.

  • You might swear on: life, humanity, God, the world, the universe, your ancestors, your descendants, your honor.

    *You may affirm if you prefer not to swear.

A black sketch on white. In the background, a child waves from the steps of a house. In the foreground, a parent and child walking on the sidewalk wave back.


  • Swear this in the presence of at least two people that you trust with your life. If you cannot find two people, find one. If you can't find any people, swear this in front of a mirror.

  • When you take the oath, hold in your left hand something that is a symbol of that which you are swearing on. Hold your right hand to your heart.

A note on secrecy

A detailed sketch of a block of brownstones. Some details include: three pigeons eating a bagel, a hungry cat watching them from the bushes, a child peaking out a door, ivy climbing a wall, a wagon in a front yard, someone on a balcony.
  • Be intentional when you share this oath. Share it with people you trust and share it anonymously to help it spread. If a moment comes when sharing it very publicly would greatly advance the cause of justice, do so. Do not share your oath if it would prevent you from using your power to help others.

  • The purpose of the oath is to prepare yourself and help others, not to increase your own glory.

The Neighbor’s Oath

I, (name), solemnly and sincerely swear (or affirm) this with all my heart:

When Authority comes for my neighbors, I will never comply.

I love this land. I love my neighbors. I value freedom and cherish life.

I know Authority may wear a badge, a uniform and gun, a suit and tie, or look like me.

I will resist Authority's efforts to discriminate against, spy on, punish, kidnap, or kill my neighbors for who they are, what they look like, where they're from, or what they believe.

I will assist those who need protection from Authority, aid those I find fighting for freedom, and support those targeted for acting in the spirit of this oath.

I will protect my neighbors with my voice or my silence, with truth or lies, with care or force, based on my best ability and judgment.

I will keep my oath in the face of Authority's promises or threats, and I will never betray another who keeps this oath.

I swear (or affirm) this by that which I hold to be above all Authority, which is: ________

Share the Oath

a diagram for folding a 1-page zine  from You fold a piece of paper into 8 sections, then make a slit in the
A black sketch on white. Two birds huddle against each other and watch a vast flock of starlings swirling above a cityscape.